
Allen West: It’s Fair To Call Obama A ‘Low Level Socialist Agitator’ Because He Called Paul Ryan An ‘Accountant’

Bomb throwing tea party Rep. Allen West (R-FL) appeared on Fox News host Greta Van Susteren’s show last night to defend his latest attack against President Obama, whom he’s now dubbed a “low-level socialist agitator” with a “third world dictator-like arrogance.” When pressed by Van Susteren about whether his hyperbolic rhetoric was constructive, West suggested the attack was warranted because President Obama — whose middle name West made sure to pronounce clearly — had called Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) an “accountant”:

VAN SUSTEREN: I’m just curious whether calling him a low level socialist agitator…if that really helpful to advance, you know, the great depth of your conviction?

WEST: There’s a great depth of my conviction, and part of my conviction is telling the truth. I don’t think it’s very presidential when Barack Hussein Obama refers to my colleague, Paul Ryan, as a simple little accountant, either. So I think when you look at what a community organizer’s turning out to be, it does seem to be like a low-level socialist agitator.

Watch it:


West was referring comments Obama made at a fundraiser last week in which he said Ryan was trying to be “America’s accountant and trying to be responsible.” While many would likely not be offended to be called a “responsible” accountant, West apparently views this as a slur on par with accusing the president of the United States of being an insignificant socialist.