
Dark Blue

TNT’s constant advertising for Dark Blue during the NBA playoffs and the fact that I used to love The Practice back in the day has been enough to suck me in to watching the first couple of episodes of the show. I suppose it’s well-executed enough to be watchable, but the basic thesis of the show — that it would be really awesome if the LAPD had more unaccountable rogue police units — is both absurd and reprehensible.

Meanwhile, last night I finally got around to watching a few episodes of Season 2 of The Shield on Netflix. It’s not the best thing I’ve ever seen, but as an alternate treatment of the very same “unaccountable rogue LAPD unit on basic cable” concept it sure is a lot better. Also manages to work in the fact that in some ways an unaccountable rogue policy unit might be problematic. A little corruption maybe!
