
Fineman: Bush is pushing for a McCain administration to ‘cover over’ the misdeeds of his presidency.

Yesterday on The Chris Matthews Show on NBC, Newsweek columnist Howard Fineman revealed one of the reasons President Bush is pushing so hard for Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) to win the election in November:

FINEMAN: There’s also fear. If you’re in this White House, you want another Republican administration to follow. You don’t want a Democratic administration coming in there while the evidence is still fresh, so to speak.

MATTHEWS: With the subpoena power.

FINEMAN: With the subpoena power. And looking through all the records and looking through all the decisions that were made. You want cover over your two terms with a third term, the way Ronald Reagan did with George H.W. Bush.


Watch it:

(HT: C&L; and TP commenter Marie)