
Get Wired For Progress

Our guest blogger is Alan Rosenblatt, Associate Director for Online Advocacy at the Center for American Progress Action Fund.

As we all know, our country is facing economic and energy crises. The solution to both is an aggressive transition toward a clean energy economy. Investing in a clean-energy smart grid is a critical step in that process because we need energy policies for the 21st century that will increase jobs and help us become more competitive, while reducing our use of foreign oil.

Building a modern interstate energy transmission system will strengthen our national security, create quality jobs, and provide the backbone for broad economic growth, just like building the Interstate Highway System did in the 1950s and 1960s. And since this is a national problem that requires a national solution, it is important to make this a national conversation.

That is why the Center for American Progress Action Fund is promoting a week-long national conversation about the clean-energy smart grid Monday, April 13 through Sunday, April 19, at


This conversation will take place across the social web, with Twitter acting as the hub. You can follow the conversation by searching for the #grid hashtag on and join in by including the #grid hashtag in your own tweets.

Bracken Hendricks, author of the Center for American Progress’s Wired for Progress report, will be live tweeting on Monday, April 13, from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm and checking in for more on Tuesday and Wednesday. He will tweet on the @IAmProgress account during the live TweetUp if you want to follow him directly.

On Thursday, April 16, 2009, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm, check out the Internet Advocacy Roundtable live online. You can stream it here and ask questions via Twitter by adding the #iar hashtag to your posts (in addition to the #grid hashtag). The panel includes online organizers from 1Sky, Environmental Defense, MoveOn’s Power Up America, the Energy Action Coalition, the Pickens Plan, and the Wonk Room’s Brad Johnson.

After the Roundtable, the panelists will continue on the #grid Twitter conversation through Sunday.

Again, to get the full rundown on where and how you can participate in the national Wired for Progress conversation, visit Let’s bust out of the status quo that got us into the mess and take our energy policy into the 21st century. Spread the word and start talking.