
Pajamas Media, Instapundit Facilitate Outing Of Foley Victim

An obscure right-wing blogger, Wild Bill, has outed one of Mark Foley’s victims, a former Congressional page. It is a despicable act. Wild Bill however, gets almost no traffic, so the damage done to the victim’s life could have been minimal.

All that ended, however, when some of the most highly-trafficked right-wing bloggers decided to direct their readers to Wild Bill’s site. First, Roger L. Simon, co-founder and CEO of Pajamas Media — a portal and advertising broker for nearly every major right-wing blog — posted a link to Wild Bill on his personal site. (The Pajamas Media portal also linked to Wild Bill.) Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit — probably the most highly-trafficked right-wing blog — followed suit by linking to Simon’s post and the Pajamas Media post.

To give you an idea of the how Simon and Reynolds provided an audience for Wild Bill’s egregious post, here’s a chart from that gives you a rough idea of the relative traffic of the three sites. Reynolds is in green, Simon is in red and Wild Bill is in blue:

There are other sites, large and small, that have linked to Wild Bill as well — that’s also wrong. We won’t be providing links to any of these posts.


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