
Porn company names Gingrich ‘Family Values Porn Fan of the Year, 2009.’

Newt Gingrich’s corporate-friendly advocacy group American Solutions for Winning the Future (ASWF) has had a propensity for telling pornography companies that they have received an award and then subsequently retracting them. Recently, ASWF awarded The Lodge — a gentleman’s club in Dallas — with an Entrepreneur of the Year award but then rescinded that award. Also, Pink Visual — a porn DVD store in California — was informed by ASWF that it received the “tremendous honor” of being named a 2009 Entrepreneur of the Year. ASWF later claimed it “inadvertently” sent the letter to Pink Visual. Allison Vivas, the president of Pink Visual, turned the tables on Newt. She told Dave McKenna of the Washington City Paper that she created a fake award for Gingrich:

“I sat down with the executive team here and created a special honor to bestow upon Newt: ‘Family Values Porn Fan of the Year, 2009,’ Vivas responded via email. “We worked on the plaque design

, an event schedule, a notification to fax to his office — and of course, a letter we’ll send rescinding the offer after he receives it.”

(HT: Huffington Post)
