
‘Real America’ helped make Saturday’s protests the biggest in U.S. history

Middle America protested Donald Trump’s inauguration just as bigly as coastal elites.

As many as 4.5 million people around the country protested Donald Trump’s first day in office. CREDIT: AP Photo
As many as 4.5 million people around the country protested Donald Trump’s first day in office. CREDIT: AP Photo

A common refrain among Republicans is that the people who live in big coastal cities like New York, Washington D.C., and San Francisco are out of touch with “real Americans.”

On Saturday, photos from hundreds of protests and marches across the country in opposition to Donald Trump’s day-old presidency countered that notion.

In Washington, D.C., an estimated 500,000 people descended upon the national mall to protest Trump’s presidency, a crowd estimated at three times the size of Trump’s own sparsely attended inauguration the day before. But millions more people also partook in sister marches and rallies across the country — including in the very same “real America” that Republicans claim to represent.

Here are a few front pages from such liberal bastions as Arizona, Texas, Tennessee, and Montana.

Front pages from newspapers around the country. CREDIT: Newseum
Front pages from newspapers around the country. CREDIT: Newseum

A pair of professors from the University of Connecticut and the University of Denver compiled data from more than 500 protests in the United States, and dozens more from around the world. The most conservative estimates place the total turnout at more than 3.5 million people in the United States alone.

That includes crowds of 100,000 in Minneapolis/St. Paul, 12,000 in Omaha, Nebraska, 12,000 in Oklahoma City, 200,000 in Denver, Colorado, and 5,000 in Birmingham, Alabama.

On Sunday, Trump made his first public statement—on Twitter, naturally—about the nationwide protest, which is the largest in U.S. history.

Of course, most of these people did vote, which is why Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by nearly 3 million votes.