
Ryan Challenged By Voter To Provide Policy Specifics, Fails To Deliver

A woman at a rally in Clinton, Iowa challenged Paul Ryan for not providing specifics about the GOP presidential proposals on Tuesday, echoing a growing concern among reporters, pundits and voters alike:

QUESTION: My question is, you know, you keep talking about China and jobs and then we talk about the unemployment, but where are the answers? I mean, why aren’t you more specific? I heard you, was it Sunday, when you were on Fox. And you didn’t answer his question about what are your plans.

RYAN: No look, when you get in a math conversation it can take a little while….when you’re on a 30-second T.V. show, you can’t do it as much. But the point is, go to our website. Mitt Romney has put more specifics, more details…than the incumbent president of the United States has.

Watch it:

Ryan appeared unable to respond in specifics, even as he spent more than 8 minutes laying out the ticket’s proposals. Instead, he recycled the campaign’s 5-point plan — in generalities — with standrad replies he often employs on the stump like, build the Keystone Pipeline, allow parents to send their children to charter schools, and open new markets for American products.


“We have to cut spending,” Ryan said, towards the end of his answer, without specifying the reductions. He didn’t identify any tax loopholes Romney/Ryan would close in order to ensure that their proposal of implementing a 20 percent tax cut across the board remains revenue neutral. “Our tax plan is really simple…there is only one person who has raised taxes and is promising to raise taxes in the future who is running for president. And his name is Barack Obama,” he said.