
We need 53 more ThinkProgress members

Free us from the whims of feckless advertisers and support unflinching progressive journalism.

A few weeks ago, ThinkProgress launched a membership drive and our goal was to sign up 1,000 founding members. We are currently at 947. Can you help us get over the top? It’s just $5.

One of the big reasons we’re doing this is because advertising, which we’ve used to support a portion of our work for years, is no longer a reliable source of revenue. This is especially true for a site like ThinkProgress that fearlessly takes on controversial topics that others avoid.

But the most important thing is that you will support our work.

Just yesterday, we exclusively reported that Roy Moore co-authored a textbook in 2011 that argues women should not be allowed to run for office. Our reporting has already spread everywhere from MSNBC to, the website for the three biggest papers in Alabama.

Last month, ThinkProgress exposed twelve organizations that invest in Renaissance Technologies, a hedge fun run by Robert Mercer. Our reporting traced how these investments enriched Mercer and, in turn, financed white nationalist propaganda produced by Breitbart and Milo Yiannopoulos. After our report, thousands of people contacted these investors demanding action. On November 2, Mercer abruptly resigned from his hedge fund and announced he would no longer finance the activities of Yiannopoulos. One of the most prominent purveyors of hatred and bigotry lost his primary source of funding.

After that report, we exposed how Yiannopoulos was supporting himself by selling t-shirts with white nationalist memes through a platform called Shopify. Shortly after our report, Shopify took the store down.

If you value this work, please join us. We need your support so we aren’t constrained by feckless advertisers.

There is a huge need for unflinching progressive journalism right now. Our reporting is making a difference. If just a small percentage of our readers step up and give $5 or $10, we can grow stronger.

If you have any trouble with the form below, click here. You can also email us at for help.