
Whats the matter with Kansas?

A Kari Manlove retrospective

Kari Manlove helped me launch Climate Progress, a project of the Center for American Progress Action Fund. She started as a CAP intern and stayed to become Research Associate for the Energy Opportunity team because she is hyper-competent!

Here are links to all her posts. She is a Kansas native so she tracked the efforts by then Gov. Sebelius to block to unnecessary coal plants in many of her posts. Her last post was Women’s role in a warming world.

Kari Manlove’s Climate Progress career:

If you are wondering what happened to that Kansas coal plant after Sebelius joined the Obama administration, at first, as the WSJ reported last May, “Coal in Kansas: Sunflower Will Get a Coal Plant, State Gets More Renewables.”


Then in January, SolveClimate reported, “Kansas Coal Plant Back in the Bullseye: Sunflower Saga Revolves Around Health, Environment Dangers Posed by CO2.”

Then last month, it got really complicated, as SolveClimate explained here: “Kansas GOP Measure Could Lead to EPA Takeover of Coal Plant Permits.”

What’s the matter with Kansas? Sebelius isn’t governor and Manlove isn’t at CP to cover the state any more!

Kari is moving on to work to directly advance clean energy. I’d wish her luck, but she doesn’t need it. I’m just hoping she does for cleantech what she did for CP!