
You don’t need Facebook to comment

Alyssa the new culture blogger at CAPAF speaks for everyone when she writes today, “I know some of y’all have been disconcerted or frustrated by Facebook commenting here. I’m really sorry about that!”

The good news is that you can set up a Yahoo account in 30 seconds, as I did today, with whatever info you like and post using that, not Facebook.

Alyssa has more tips on how to do that:

-If you’re signed in to your Facebook account when you come here, and you want to comment using said account, congratulations, you’re basically good to go. Comment away!

-If you’re signed in to your Facebook account when you come here, but don’t want to comment using it, click the “Not you” hypertext in the comments field to sign out and sign in with something different: the options are Yahoo, AOL, or Hotmail logins. You’ll be prompted to pick which account you want to use when you click “add a comment” by the button that says “Comment using…” that will then present you with your login options.

-The best thing in the world is having commenters who are willing to beta test things for you. Regular Greg at Yglesias writes:

It appears that fictional Facebook accounts are, well, not showing up. Jason’s case mirrors my own in that neither of us can view even our own comments when we’re not concurrently logged on to facebook. By contrast, David (Shor) is using his own real profile, as are you, and this is working without a hitch.

If one wants to maintain anonymity, I would like to point out that using a yahoo/hotmail/aol handle has been completely successful for Myles, and now me.

greg_at_yglesias at this in the comment section:

I would like to point out a few more things my compatriots and I have worked out this afternoon.

You *need* to be fully signed off Facebook before you try any of this, and you should ideally *not* use an email that’s linked to your account. Otherwise you get logged into Facebook whether or not you want to, and then, well, the whole problem starts all over again.

Moreover, if you’re annoyed by the jumble of comment sections, I would note that across from “Add a Comment” there’s another button that lets you set the comments section to “Chronological”.

Below are the earlier comments from the Facebook commenting system:


Joe, first off, I really like your blog, and if you’ve been at TP before, I apologize for not reading it until now!

Second, I would like to point out a few more things my compatriots and I have worked out this afternoon.

You *need* to be fully signed off Facebook before you try any of this, and you should ideally *not* use an email that’s linked to your account. Otherwise you get logged into Facebook whether or not you want to, and then, well, the whole problem starts all over again.


Moreover, if you’re annoyed by the jumble of comment sections, I would note that across from “Add a Comment” there’s another button that lets you set the comments section to “Chronological”.

It’s really advised one does so, if one wants to avoid losing one’s mind.

Anyway, cheers.

May 31 at 3:05pm


I signed in using my real name Yahoo account, but the Facebook commenting system doesn’t seem to be able to figure out who I am. So I guess I’ll just have to be me.


Some site layout suggestions — I would prefer not having to press a “Read More” button for at least the top post on the blog and preferably for all the posts of the day. I have to believe that a lot of people will stop reading at that point — rather than pressing the button — and may miss some of your best points.

For posts like this one that don’t have a read me button, if a reader wants to comment — they are forced to scroll back to the top of the post, click on the title of the post, then scroll back down to make a comment.

There should be a button to post a comment at the bottom of all blog posts.

Finally, I used to send folks to some of the excellent links you had in the sidebar. This included some of your best blog posts as well as outstanding posts at places like Skeptical Science. Can those links make a comeback?

May 31 at 3:56pmJoseph Romm

I use “Read More” because I write long posts.Yes, links will come back via an overview post. Will take time.

May 31 at 4:03pm

Peter Bellin

Trying this thing out — it is easy to reply to a post, and comments will appear linked to the post you are commenting on. The ‘read more’ link works easily for me.

Commenting was also easy for me, I just clicked on the “Reply” button.

May 31 at 4:43pm


Since some folks say this works differently on a Mac — I’m trying again using a PC

June 2 at 10:40pm


How terrible to have to allow Facebook scripts to run so I can read the quality comments on this blog.

May 31 at 3:59pm

Peter Bellin

I will beta test commenting using my Hotmail account. I don’t really want to use this account, I prefer the Gmail account. But I guess I can use this.


That being said, I would prefer not having to log in to a social network site to comment on blogs. I hope this can be fixed on the ‘Progress” blogs.

May 31 at 4:40pm

John Tucker

I’m not doing this right or something — but I liked the format before. I don’t feel I should have to get a facebook account so I am not a second class user. What happened to our links — the auto in-line links?

I like the layout and appearance though — top notch there.1May 31 at 5:36pm

John Tucker

I like i can like myself too.

May 31 at 5:47pm


I tried to press the Like icon on my comment, and ended up with a duplicate comment (which the moderator(?) later removed. I am still a neophyte in learning how to post a comment properly, let alone how to post a complex comment that is readable and understandable.

June 5 at 1:43pm


ok on a mac. facebook comments wouldn’t post, I don’t have enough friends. yahoo comments wouldn’t post from either safari or firefox! this is chrome.

the javascript on these pages makes my brand new pro laptop feel like I’m using a modem, and it doesn’t appear to work properly with all the major browsers.

May 31 at 9:35pm

  • hapamoku

doesn’t look like yahoo profile picture gets picked up. that’s not as democratic as it could be.

even on chrome mac, the sign-in process is broken when you’re clicking ‘reply’ instead of ‘add comment’ up top.

May 31 at 9:53pm

Joseph Romm

I am hopeful the web folks will fix some of these over time — and that Facebook will improve its functionality.

May 31 at 10:06pm



· May 31 at 10:13pm

Otto Lehikoinen

Holy moly what amount of clicks, testing the commenting via facebook proxy sign in server, do I need to get a Yahoo account to vent? Goodbye.

May 31 at 11:12pmOtto Lehikoinen

testing proxy sign in via hotmail-account, it already gets quite a bit spam so a couple more by day won’t make a difference… no doesn’t work. Ah well, maybe the yah-oo account then someday. ‘Post to facebook’? NO NO NO. Bye.

May 31 at 11:44pmTed Ko

More feedback on how the above instructions don’t apply in some situations:Using firefox on Mac.Already logged in to FB. The “Not You” link does not appear. Instead, there is a “Change” link that lets my choose between my FB name and the name “Tester”. So I can’t switch to another account. This may be an artifact of an alternate profile on FB, but I can’t find a trace of that.

After logging out of FB, then I can sign in with my Yahoo account.

However, greg_at_yglesias note about the Chronological button seems to not be true here. That button doesn’t appear anywhere I can see.

June 4 at 7:59pmJoseph Romm

My sincere apologies. The Chrono button should be there, but I hope we will have a FAQ up soon. I’m also hoping we could switch the default, but I don’t know. There is no excuse for this FB commenting system, and I would be the last one to try to make one for it. So I am incredibly appreciative of those willing to do make the effort. But I don’t understand why you can’t link on your secondary FB account. That seems to me a good idea. I can log on as ClimateProgress, if I don’t want my name out there and don’t want a link to my arsenal FB account.accou

June 4 at 8:10pm

Kris Steward

I would prefer to post without Facebook as well. I tried to use an alternative method but the pull down menu offering other options does not work so other options are not available. This is too difficult.

June 7 at 7:59pmRussell Marsh

Obama’s Eronomic advisors all of them have resigned, going back to teaching. They have no creitability they shouldn’d teach They messed things up and run away Obama isn’t a leader we would have jobs if he was leading we would have oil here We buy oil from terroist supporting those terroist. Drill for oil and create jobs it is simple stupid!

June 8 at 9:44pm